Meaghan Wilson Anastasios

Screenwriter and bestselling author of 'The Honourable Thief', 'The Water Diviner', and 'The Pacific: In the Footsteps of Captain Cook.'



One of the highlights of doing the publicity rounds for The Honourable Thief was having the chance to chat with the wonderful Rosemary Puddy of The Book Podcast. It was enormous fun to do – just like sitting down for a catch-up with a friend over a cuppa and a plate of homemade bikkies. Her questions about the book and the creative process that went into writing it were insightful and thought-provoking, and really made me consider the journey I’d been on.

So if you have any interest in/can bear the thought of listening to me prattle on for half an hour on everything from watching the evolution from script to screen in The Water Diviner to who I think might have the chops to play Benedict Hitchens on the big screen (answer: time-machine Harrison Ford circa 1984), you can find the podcast here.



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